Friday, September 22, 2006

A Little Me Time

I'm almost done with an anthology coming out next summer. I woke of this morning and decided instead of opening the file, I'm going to take some time out for me today. I spend my days writing and my evening working my part time job as an adult education supervisor that I barely ever get to clean house or just read a book for enjoyment. Well, today is that day. I slept late this morning then woke up and listened to some soft R&B while I stared out my window. I live on a wooded cul-de-sac which is really nice. When I finally rolled out of bed I typed a few letters I've been dying to write and got them out just before the mailman arrived. Then I moved into the bathroom and took a long bubble bath while flipping through the last three Essence Magasines. It was really nice and so long overdue. Now I'm on my way out to treat myself to lunch and I just might get my nails done as well. After all today is all about me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some time to recharge is SO important. Your place sounds lovely. I have to brag that I just came back from a writer's retreat out in the woods of Wakefield VA. I had an amazing time! I'll post a summary to my blog as soon as I can.