There have been a lot of negative comments being posted about the upcoming release of Big Spankable Asses regarding race, etc. I must say that me and my big SPANKABLE ass are proud to be a part of the anthology. I found nothing degrading about the title or the concept, instead it was a whole lot of laughs and BIG fun. I can't wait to work on the next one. Sure, the model on the cover looks plastic and her ASS nowhere near represents a sistah’s booty, but so what. It ain't about that. Those stories were written by three educated and talented women of color, who would never do anything to shed a negative light on black women. I can't help it if I am spankalicious.
Girl, put up a new blog post, dayum! Today is my one and only blog ho day, going out to yours, Viv's, DD's, Cat's and Gwen's blog. Grumble, okay, let me see what the others got for me.
I haven't seen any negative comments, Angie, nor do I see anything wrong with what is likely a frankly sexual novel. Personally, I like it when the cover of a novel suggests its genre, something that isn't always the case. What you see should be what you get. You wouldn't call erotica something like, Kisses in the Sand when Sex on the Beach is more appropriate!
There's a huge audience out there looking for precisely this type of book. It's not my personal cup of tea, but nor am I a member of the core demographic publishers try to target, so I don't count anyway.
I hope you get the last laugh . . . all the way to the bank, as they say!
Bettye Griffin
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